i’m so pleased to be friends with my dentist

Once every six months—at most

If I’m lucky

If nothing goes wrong  

I listen to him ramble about his binge watching habits

And his wife’s habit of binging tomatoes  

He listens too 

Asks me questions about school 

And my love life 

And my teeth cleaning habits

While he drills drills my teeth 

Mouth wide open 

Open wider Suction Don’t bite Mouth full 

Of things in my mouth and he wants my 

Words too in my mouth too 

A true friend always wants to hear you talk 

So molars come on in 

Hit for the greatest impact 

I care about this person but they annoy me 

Spontaneous confabulation 

Subliminal spaces 

Come my molars in so I can heal them 

So I don’t have to be friends with my dentist 

In a cold room where I freeze my teeth to perfection 


the five empty spaces in a crowded city
